Weather in Las Cruces

The weather in Las Cruces is moderate and you can travel to the area during any time of the year.  Our summers are warm but not unbearably hot. The average temperature in July is 95°F. The average summer high temperature is in the nineties with very little moisture in the air. Therefore, 90 degrees doesn’t feel nearly as hot as 90 degrees in many other parts of the country. Our summer evenings drop of nearly thirty degrees so you may wish to bring a light jacket. The average night-time temperature is usually a comfortable 66°F. There are usually 11 hours of bright sunshine each day which represents 81% of the 14 hours of daylight with clear skies.

Our winters do not get particularly cold either.  The average winter low temperature is in the twenties and will warm up during the day unless you are by the mountains where it is a bit cooler. During the winter season, it is normal to see some snow caps on the Organ Mountains.

Annual rainfall in Las Cruces averages less than ten inches each year. August is perhaps the month considered to be the rainiest when there may be two to three inches of rain. The rest of the year is mostly dry.

Sunrise Arising from our Majestic Organ Mountains!

Las Cruces is a vibrant and growing community where year-round sunshine can be found. See daily weather and weather history HERE!